All cells passed the unit test, but got error after submitting

Ok, I can reproduce your results. It turns out that torch.square works in the notebook, but not for the grader. I tried implementing that function three different ways:

# penalty = torch.mean(torch.square(gradient_norm - 1))
penalty = torch.mean(torch.pow(gradient_norm - 1,2))
# penalty = torch.mean((gradient_norm - 1)**2)
#### END CODE HERE ####

All three of them work in the notebook, but only the torch.pow and **2 versions will pass the grader.

So it must be the case that the grader is using a different version of torch that somehow does not support the square function. I checked the current Torch documentation and it doesn’t say anything about “square” being deprecated or the like, so this is something of a mystery. I will try to either file a bug or (failing that) at least report this to the Course Staff in case they think it’s something worth figuring out.

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