All tests passed, but failed the grader

The grader gives the error below on the emojify exercise.

Cell #13. Can’t compile the student’s code. Error: ValueError(‘shapes (5,2) and (5,) not aligned: 2 (dim 1) != 5 (dim 0)’,)

The cell contains a three lines of code given by instructor. I have not touched it. Still, my submission has zero points although all tests were passed. Could you please help me out?

It would be helpful to know which week and assignment you are working on .

Sequence Models > Week 2 > Programming Assignment: Emojify

It is the Exercise 5.

Which function name? Is it “model()”?

Did you add any code to the cells that contain the unit tests?

Yes, it is the model() method.

No, I did not add any code to the unit test.

I finally got my assignment graded right. I spent few hours to google it, did so many changes to get it work.

Thank you for your interest.