Emojify assignment // grading problem

Course: Sequence Models
Week: #2
Programming Assignment: Emojify

I completed the Emojify assignment and when I do Kernel>Restart & Run All, everything works fine. No problem.

When I submit the assignment, I have the following error:

Cell #14. Can't compile the student's code. Error: ValueError('operands could not be broadcast together with shapes (5,2) (5,) ',)

I am attaching the screenshot below.

Appreciate the help.

Hello @ndemir

Kindly refer this


Thanks @Deepti_Prasad
Unfortunately, my problem is not mentioned in that thread.

This error you are getting is probably related to some code you are using incorrectly which the autograder is failing, like in place of using sentence you might be using text or there can be some minor typo. go through your file again once, you will probably find the solution.

there is another thread with similar issue, please use search tool.

Check the below thread completely and see if you have any of the similar issue with your assignment

if still unable to find, let us know.


Maybe we need to check your code. Please send me your notebook in .ipynb format privately. Click my name and message.