
I passed 12 tests, but failed 3 tests as shown in the attached screen. I checked my implementation and did not have any idea on how to change the loglikelihood dictionary. Any idea from anyone?

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I have got to see you implementation of exercise 2 so maybe I can find a problem with it, send it to me on a private message!

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Here are some problems:

Increment the number of positive words by the count for this (word, label) pair

the same for negative words! Not increment by 1 but by the count!

Here: Calculate D_pos, the number of positive documents - the comments tell you to use train_y!

In the last for loop, use directly the lookup function no need for assignments to variable and if conditions, just follow exactly the comments provided!


@gent.spah Thanks for advice. I have revised the code (attached). 12 tests passed. 3 tests failed (attached). If I take out if condition now in the last for loop, the program will fail with key error. I can take out later after I know my code error.

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You are not allowed to post solutions publicly! I am telling you just use the lookup function directly as per the comments above, no need for ifโ€™s there. Try to read the comments from scratch again!


I have read comments again and revised the code. 12 Tests passed. 3 Test failed. I do not have any idea to change the code further.

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Itโ€™s probably time to look at your code. We canโ€™t do that on a public thread, but I just sent you a private message (DM) about how to proceed.


To close the loop on the public thread, there was a simple typo in one of the expressions that was causing the problems. Should be all sorted now! :nerd_face:


I have the same issue. I checked for typo but still couldnโ€™t figure out the problem.

can you DM the codes screenshot via personal DM to review where you might have gone wrong @xujinge

Hi @xujinge

Check your DM

Your codes for Calculation number of unique words, N_pos, N_neg, V_pos, V_neg, number of documents, positive and negative documents required you to use correct recall arguments as well as log prior was recalled incorrectly as the calculation of probability for positive and negative documents needed to be checked as

The prior probability represents the underlying probability in the target population that a tweet is positive versus negative. In other words, if we had no specific information and blindly picked a tweet out of the population set, what is the probability that it will be positive versus that it will be negative? That is the โ€œpriorโ€.

So in such condition while taking np.log of positive documents to total number of document - negative documents to total number of documents holds true for log prior calculation.


Hello, Please assist. I am getting 9161 as length of Loglikelihood, instead of 9165

{moderator edit - solution code removed}

please follow community guidelines. Also seems like notebook assignment has kernel issue too. So I would first advise to get a fresh copy and then re-do the assignment. Then only share the codes screenshot of the grade cell you are having issue by persona DM

Use edit pin option in your comment to remove the code images here @Ernest_Divine

Hi @Ernest_Divine

I somehow missed seeing your DM, in case you are still stuck

Corrections required

  1. While calculating V, you are using incorrect codes for vocabulary or dictionary recall, you need to use freq.keys()

  2. To calculate number of documents, instructions given
    Using the train_y input list of labels, calculate the number of documents (tweets) ๐ท
    D, as well as the number of positive documents (tweets) ๐ท๐‘๐‘œ๐‘  and number of negative documents (tweets) ๐ท๐‘›๐‘’๐‘”.

So use train_y.shape[0] rather than using len function for your labels

Now to find the positive and negative document using the above function recall, check labels with positive documents are assignment 1 and negative 0, so how would you recall them with condition?

  1. Logprior would be then np log of positive documents to number of documents - np log of negative to number of documents

  2. get the positive and negative frequency of the word, here use freq.get recall codes rather lookup(for auto grader to not fail your submission)

Let me know if you still have doubt.


Thank you @Deepti_Prasad
Itโ€™s been resolved.