
This is my first Practice Lab and I have some questions:

  1. Is the time to complete it limited or can I stop and come back to the exercise at another time/day?

  2. What is the time limit for completing the Practice Exercises? I will probably need more than three weeks to complete the course, is this a problem for a successful course completion?


Hello @PedroBiel, welcome to our community!

There is no time limit for the practice lab, and the lab is supposed to save your work from time to time so you can close the lab and resume it later, but it’s always better if you manually save it before closing the lab. The save function is on the “File” menu.

It’s also not a problem for a successful course completion no matter how much time you spend, but we always need a valid subscription to access any lab and quiz, so if you are under a paid subscription, just for the best of your interest, you might want a plan to minimize the subscription cost.

The course comes with a set of deadlines for every practice labs by default to help learners finish the course, but in the Machine Learning Specialization, those are actually soft deadlines that you can reset for an unlimited number of times even it is overdue.


Thank you for the clarifications.

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