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Week 2 assignment
Link to the classroom item you are referring to: Part of Speech Tagging | Coursera
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The test case for UNQ C1 seem to be outdated, the function itself is pretty straightforward, the next cell output correctly but the 4 tests keep failing in
w2_unittest.test_create_dictionaries(create_dictionaries, training_corpus, vocab)
Wrong output length for transition_counts dictionary.
Expected: 1421
Got: 136781.
Wrong output values for transition_counts dictionary.
Expected: {('VBN', 'TO'): 2142, ('CC', 'IN'): 1227, ('VBN', 'JJR'): 66}.
Wrong output length for transition_counts dictionary.
Expected: 272
Got: 683.
Wrong output values for transition_counts dictionary.
Expected: {('VBN', 'TO'): 3, ('CC', 'IN'): 2, ('VBN', 'JJR'): 1}.
14 Tests passed
4 Tests failed
I’m pretty confident that the code is correct. Anyone seeing the same issue?