I’m getting an error (Cell #UNQ_C3. Can’t compile the student’s code. Error: TypeError(“‘NoneType’ object is not callable”)) when submitting the notebook, all tests seem to pass everywhere in the notebook.
Could anyone help me? Until I pass this I can’t get my certificate
can you check in the cell which comes with Header UNQ_C3, if you have not hard-coded or recalled any of iterative loops with global variables than local variables.
You can refer next cell below UNQ_C3 which gives you necessary hint for you to execute the codes correctly in UNQ_C3.
If you left any “None” statements in the notebook, that will make the grader crash.
Also if you added code that evaluates to a “None” result, this will cause the same error.
Note that if your code makes the grader crash, then you get exactly the same error message for all functions, regardless of exactly where the error lives.
So don’t take the reference to UNQ_C3 as necessarily being correct or useful. You have equal chances of the error being in any of the graded cells.