C2W2 Graded Programming Assignment 2 - Juypter notebook cannot be started

I am currently at Data Engineering course, Course 2 Week 2 Graded Programming Assignment 2: Batch Data Processing from an API . I have followed the instruction to create a new Cloud9 env, and run the scripts to create the Jupter notebook connection. The terminal says the notebook is running, but when I try to access the notebook using the link from the terminal, it’s showing that the site cannot be reached. I have attached the screenshots for your reference. Would you be able to help me on this please?


Hello @tmuzyo
I tried the lab right now, and unfortunately I was not able to reproduce the issue. However, there has been instances in the past when a restricted network connection has lead to this. So here are my suggestions:

  1. Try using a VPN or a proxy.
  2. Try using another network connection if possible.
  3. Delete the cloud9 instance, make a new one, and try again.

Hi @Amir_Zare,
Thanks for your reply. Turns out it works when I switch to use Edge, instead of Brave and Firefox. Hope it would help anyone who is encountering similar issue.