C2W4: Airflow Lab with Quality Check - expectation_suite de-c2w4a1-expectation-suite not found Error

I was able to get on successful run with

Pre Task Execution

[2025-02-13, 23:00:58 PST] {great_expectations.py:627} INFO - Creating Checkpoint…
[2025-02-13, 23:00:58 PST] {great_expectations.py:646} INFO - Running Checkpoint…
[2025-02-13, 23:00:59 PST] {taskinstance.py:3311} ERROR - Task failed with exception

model_trip_duration_easy_destiny (before any {{ DAG }} part of lab ) but lab timed out. A few hours later, I retraced all the steps and uploaded the files to S3.
I am now seeing

File “/home/airflow/.local/lib/python3.12/site-packages/great_expectations/data_context/data_context/abstract_data_context.py”, line 3035, in get_expectation_suite
raise gx_exceptions.DataContextError(
great_expectations.exceptions.exceptions.DataContextError: expectation_suite de-c2w4a1-expectation-suite not found

[2025-02-13, 23:00:59 PST] {taskinstance.py:1225} INFO - Marking task as FAILED. dag_id=model_trip_duration_easy_destiny, task_id=data_quality,

Can someone help? Not sure if its an environment issue?!!

ran bash restart_airflow.sh in CloudShell
bucket_name in Airflow UI
aws s3 sync work_zone/ s3://de-c2w4a1-88888-us-east-1-raw-data/work_zone/
aws s3 sync src s3://de-c2w4a1-88888-us-east-1-dags/dags
S3 has the contents

Rebooted and Tried:

Broken DAG: [/opt/airflow/dags/dags/model_trip_duration_easy_destiny.py]
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “”, line 488, in _call_with_frames_removed
File “/opt/airflow/dags/dags/model_trip_duration_easy_destiny.py”, line 5, in
> import great_expectations as gx

ModuleNotFoundError: No module named ‘great_expectations’

My Submission passed with 100%.

So its 100% an environment error especially if it throws error with packages!