De-c2w4a1 , help error pipeline, model_trip_duration_easy_destiny fail

Please, can you help me ?
Not able to discover where is the error in my code.

  • model_trip_duration_easy_destiny fail.

  • de-c2w4a1

  • Link to the classroom item you are referring to:

  • I have attached the error I have, it is in the quality step.

  • also attached bucket contents screenshot

  • also attached ariflow variablee contents screenshot

  • csv file create copy-paste entire log of airflow

    airflow-log.csv (11.8 KB)

Hello @campa,
It seems I cannon reproduce your issue. I can see from the airflow logs the other two versions have failed parts as well. The bucket variable also looks fine in the logs (it wouldn’t deploy the DAGs otherwise). The s3 bucket is complete but that would also cause the fail after data quality step. The event:state mismatch before it fails is the part I cannot help since I only see:
cli_task_run, running, failed and success as events
This is the DAG I get:

Hello @campa
From the screenshots, I can see that you have executed two parallel runs of the model_trip_duration_easy_destiny DAG. As it is stated in step 6 of the lab, the error might be because of this:

Moreover, from the images I can see that your tasks were still in the running state (the light green color), so they hadn’t failed yet. I suggest you try the lab again, and this time run only one instance of this DAG at a time. After toggling the Pause/Unpause button from the Airflow homepage, the DAG runs automatically, and you don’t need to trigger it again.
If the issue persists and your tasks fail again, you can access the task logs by selecting the specific task by clicking on the colored square in front of their name and the clicking on logs. In this case, please, attach these logs so that we can get a better overview of what’s happening.


I’m getting the same error and I waited some time so the retries ended and the task failed with below Logs. Can you guide me towards a solution?

Going to CloudShell and running solved the issue but when I unpaused another DAG, it got stuck similarly.

Hello @gungorbudak
This issue has occurred in the past, and the team had resolved it, but it seems like it’s back. I will report it and get back to you when it’s fixed. Thank you for reporting this.

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