Hello. I have an issue with Airflow runs in the first lab. The instruction said that all runs should be finished in a few seconds, but I got stuck with the first run started, tasks remained just queued, and nothing else happened. Could you please advise how to fix it?
Hello @vifkate,
It seems there is an issue with labs using airflow and was reported here, post. This is the same issue with another lab from this course, hope it resolved soon:
Notify me as well because mine is stuck too.
Thanks for reporting this issue and it seems it happens to all the labs of the course. Perhaps a staff @hawraa.salami can give more details about the
reasons and when it will be fixed. Hope it resolved soon
Same issue here, even after restarting Airflow same issue. Was able to submit the lab and get 100% though
Hello @msoreco, @vifkate, @vifkate,
Yes you should be able to get 100% for the assignment without the DAG succeed. The issue due to extra load in the engineers schedule will take until the end of the week (2-3 business days). Hope it helps
@Georgios is there a way for you to contact people who are enrolled in the course and letting them know ahead of time of issues like this, and letting them know when it’s fixed? Would be nice to be made aware so students can plan around such issues.
Hello @msoreco,
Yeah that would be nice to let everyone know about such issues. However that could be difficult on this platform, but yeah good suggestion. I hope there was a better way to communicate things like possible workarounds and have to search back old topics. Thanks for the suggestion
Thank. Will try airflow lab again to understand the tool better.
Thanks working now for me