C2W4 Practice Lab 2: Airflow 101 - Best Practices

Hi everyone,
when running the DAG contained tin the file simple_dag.py within the airflow interface I get a queued task just after the start_task. After this empty operator the dag get interrupted, and the logs show this hosting error.

Do you know what can be causing it?

Hello @mgranica,

Thanks for reporting this issue and it seems it happens to all the labs of the course. Perhaps a staff @hawraa.salami can give more details about the reasons and when it will be fixed. Hope it resolved soon

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Hello @mgranica,

Due to heavy load on the engineers schedule the issue will take 2-3 days to resolve. Sorry for the inconvenience, you should be able to finish the assignment 100% without the DAG to succeed if you are in a hurry. Thank you

Hello @mgranica,

The issues with Airflow have been all fixed. Thank you