Hi guys!
I completed the Natural Language Entity Extraction but the autograder give me incorrect function in the # UNQ_C3 and # UNQ_C4 even if the test were passed. I try to donwload the complete notebook but i didnt find the root cause. Can you help me?
can you show what is grader output for those two cells you are mentioning having issue.
A screenshot of the grader output.
Whenever this kind of error comes, it means although you are passing the test, the auto-grader has programmed that grader cell in a particular pattern and when it is not similar to the pattern they have set the codes, you will get this error.
Yeah i suspected that, but i can’t download the full code right now and i wasnt be able to check
Hello Alberto,
UNQ_C3 errors
- Create an input mask which has integer 1 for each token in the ‘tokens’ list
input_mask = [1 for token in tokens]
, which holds the numerical ids of each token. So using input_ids create the list but with right function to make the token list, which would be??
for the below code, this is probably a mistake you did by unknowingly, you have used incorrect input while masking to its max length
Do the same to pad the input_mask so its length is max_seq_length -
UNQ_C4 error
The range for i is incorrect here as
In words, this formulas is saying, calculate the sum and start scores of start position ‘i’ and end position ‘j’, given the constraint that the start ‘i’ is either before or at the end position ‘j’; then find the positions ‘i’ and ‘j’ where this sum is the highest
set the range for i
for i in range(1,n): # complete this line
Thanks Deepti