C3 W3 lab 1 Downloaded zip file cat open or read through the colab code
Have you unzip the file before use it?
Hello @Viraj_Hemantha
Viraj can you please elaborate your issue? is it the model zip file you are talking about or the zip file at the beginning of the colab notebook?
You could share a screenshot fo the zip file you are talking about!!!
Zip file cant opened in 1st lab in
create a new post, with proper explanation and if screenshot to explain your issue
i already attach screenshot
check in your beginning grader cell, there might be correct required on how you wrote code
Hi, I have the same issue, the wget script is not working and the “download.sh”-script downloads an zip file but contains only HTML dictating that google could not virus scan the whole file and needs to be downloaded manually. Becuase I’m on a work device I cannot manually download anything from google drive (security risk!).
These google drive datasets is really a pain to handle for us behind strict proxies.
Hello @Jonas_Ostlund
The updated notebook allows you to download from GCP. The learner needs to reopen the lab from the classroom to see the changes. Hope this helps.
Kindly let me know if this resolve your issue.
Also if issue still persist, you could try clearing browsing and cache history. log out and re-login in coursera and then go to the classroom page if the above step doesn’t resolve your issue.
Thanks for your answer. Restarted the lab now with a fresh copy and download script works as expected. Thanks for the help!