C3_W5 Lab - Error in predicting example_input.json


I am getting errors in C3 W5 Lab, despite following the code as it is. PFA the screenshots and below is the code used for creating example_input.json:

%%writefile example_input.json
{"instances": [
  {"dep_hour": 2, "is_weekday": 1, "dep_delay": 40, "taxi_out": 17, "distance": 41, "carrier": "AS", "dep_airport_lat": 58.42527778, "dep_airport_lon": -135.7075, "arr_airport_lat": 58.35472222, "arr_airport_lon": -134.57472222, "origin": "GST", "dest": "JNU"},
  {"dep_hour": 22, "is_weekday": 0, "dep_delay": -7, "taxi_out": 7, "distance": 201, "carrier": "HA", "dep_airport_lat": 21.97611111, "dep_airport_lon": -159.33888889, "arr_airport_lat": 20.89861111, "arr_airport_lon": -156.43055556, "origin": "LIH", "dest": "OGG"}


I am also getting error for the subsequent tasks and not enough time left for debugging. Kindly help.

Experiencing the same error, has anyone found a solution?
