C3W1_Assignment deep n grams

check in the comment link, the learner selects all the files and then on left top corner you see a red bin picture, if you click that, your files get deleted.

@Mohsin_Saleem can I know, is NLP your first course in deep learning.AI that you are doing? and do you have basic understanding of python programming?

yes this my first course and iā€™m beginner in python

Hello @Mohsin_Saleem

I would not say wrong choice, but NLP requires some understanding dataset, error analysis, vectorisation, model algorithm, python, tensorflow, machine learning.

You should have followed this pattern of doing specialisation

Python courses are available on coursera by IBM

  1. Deep learning specialisation
  2. Machine learning Specialisation
  3. TensorFlow Developer Professional Certificate
  4. TensorFlow Advanced Technique
  5. Natural Language Processing

the reason you are finding it more tough because the updated version of Course 3 and course 4 of NLP specialisation has incorporated tensorflow. Even for me NLP specialisation is tough.

These are only suggestion, at the end it is your personal choice.


I understand

Hi i have same assignment can you help me please :pray:t2:

I want solution file please :pray:t2:

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