C3W3 Unittest Error

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I am getting an error on the w3.unittest.model(Siamese). I seemed to have everything in order but failing 3 tests and I cant figure out why

Layer ‘sequential’ has an incorrect output shape.
Expected:(None, 16),
Got:(None, 128).

Layer ‘conc_1_2’ has an incorrect input shape.
Expected:[(None, 16), (None, 16)],
Got:[(None, 128), (None, 128)].

Layer ‘conc_1_2’ has an incorrect output shape.
Expected:(None, 32),
Got:(None, 256).

22 tests passed
3 tests failed

The errors say that three of your functions have layers that are the wrong shape.

First check whether you’re using constant values for any of the shapes.

Yeah, I am using the input shape as (1,) which is constant

Thanks, I did use 128 as constant in a layer.

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