Half my tests are failing.
Wrong output.
Expected 0.5.
Got 0.8008769154548645
Wrong output.
Expected 1.4382333.
Got 1.9704445600509644
Wrong output. Take a look to the use of the margin variable.
Expected 2.1715667.
Got 1.237111210823059
I am looking at the Evaluating a Siamese Model lab. There are differences between how various variables are computed. My lab id xcbszllt
P.S I am not sure what happens if I don’t finish by the end-of-the-day
Please click my name and message your notebook as an attachment.
Once again thanks! I am trying to understand why the difference between the example lab and the assignment? I found the hints confusing so I’ve been trying various things.
[code removed - moderator].
Here are some hints:
- Computation of
is incorrect. You have computed the sum. Remember that there are n - 1
negative instances and 1 positive instance.
- You should replace
with the actual index when calculating sum
and max
- Implementations of
and triplet_loss2
are incorrect. Please see the equations in the writeup.
Hi @balaji.ambresh:
Thanks for the advice! I didn’t notice the hints and expand it - silly me. I also find the comments confusing. I have made the changes. I use the keepdims=True. Now I get:
Wrong output.
Expected 0.5.
Got 0.5464922785758972
Wrong output.
Expected 1.4382333.
Got 1.6667333841323853
Wrong output. Take a look to the use of the margin variable.
Expected 2.1715667.
Got 2.766733407974243
3 Tests passed
3 Tests failed
Again, I am looking at the Modified Triplet Loss lecture notes. I don’t understand how the mask is used.
1 Like
Please read the markdown Exercise 03
for computing mask.
The loss functions are there in section 2.2 Hard Negative Mining
Hi @balaji.ambresh :
I read the sections. I do believe I’ve implemented them. I get confused over the equation and the comments. Example
(looking at the equation)
triplet_loss2 = fastnp.max(-score + closest_negative + margin, 0)*
(if I follow the comments)
triplet_loss2 = fastnp.max(margin - positive + closest_negative, 0.)
Equation with the ‘*’ provides the closest answer. The problem is I am now not sure what to look at.
Again, I really appreciate the help!
Please look at one term at a time:
\alpha = margin
- cos(A, P) is the distance between the anchor and
. You have calculated this quantity using the diagonal operation on the scores
- Negative distance is already calculated which is one of closest negative or mean negative, depending on the triplet loss you’re calculating.
Don’t forget to use fastnp.maximum
Hi @balaji.ambresh :
It is now working. Thanks so much for the help!!!