I am currently working on Exercise 8 involving smooth_past_series and facing some issues. Below is the code snippet and the output I obtained: Posting codes correct or incorrect, sharing links to graded assignment, sharing notebook assignment is against community guidelines. kindly refer Code of Conduct and How to Use the Forum for better understanding of community guidelines
Output I Got:
Failed test case: diff_moving_avg_plus_smooth_past has incorrect first 5 values.
Expected: [55.13228 54.10422 53.275375 52.182724 51.436935]
Got: [48.96211 52.344227 55.13228 54.10422 53.275375]
Failed test case: diff_moving_avg_plus_smooth_past has incorrect last 5 values.
Expected: [28.81515 31.856792 35.53977 39.16417 42.837337]
Got: [21.733616 25.267376 28.81515 31.856792 35.53977 ]
How can I adjust my implementation to get the diff_moving_avg_plus_smooth_past output that matches the expected results?
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