C4W3 Assignment keep crashing

Hi, I experience a weird behavior on coursera jupyter notebook when attempting C4W3 assignment (Coursera | Online Courses & Credentials From Top Educators. Join for Free | Coursera)

While the notebook able to open, but after few minutes while kernel initializing, the browser will just crash as below:

While I suspect this might be due to new cell that I added, but I have not been able to refresh the notebook (tried “refresh” and “reboot” using the help button on top right of the lab before crashing), also experiencing this on Microsoft Edge and Google Chrome (both normal and incognito mode) after clearing cookies.

This is my last lab for this specialization and earlier week lab still works when I go back, so I don’t think is my local setup issue.

Can someone please help to reset my lab for C4W3? The lab id is “fqfoxxsotknh”. Thank you very much.

If you are still having this issue try opening the lab in incognito mode once!

hi @Ghee_Chong_Foo

has your resolved? as you mentioned you have added new cells, I would recommend you to get a fresh copy and write codes only between markers ###START AND END CODE HERE###

try also clearing cache and browsing history from your system before you get a fresh copy.

Let us know if kernel is still crashing.


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Hi DP and team,

Yes I’ve already tried incognito mode as well as clearing the cookies/browser history (as mentioned in original post).

And no it is not the kernel crashing as well, as shown in the screenshot, the whole browser crashed and I cannot access to the notebook at all before the browser crashed.

Can you help to reset my notebook (lab id is “fqfoxxsotknh”), as it is not working from my end.


are you not even able to open the assignment page

@lucas.coutinho can you please check learner’s lab issue

Probably he got multiple files in his environment while trying to resolve the issue? as he states he tried rebooting

The notebook opens for a while when kernel tries to initializes, but within a minute or so will crash the browser. And I has been tried to refresh the lab or reboot within that short window.

ok good, so what I want you to do, once the notebook open don’t try to connect to kernel, rather click file==>open, then take a screenshot and post here.

Thanks DP, that does the trick! The notebook was over 53M in size and I guess that was the issue. I am now able to overwrite with my local copies.

The lab has passed now. Thanks again for the help!