C4W3 External Tool: Implementing Canary Releases... lab not starting

I am trying to complete the graded external QwikLabs tool “Implementing Canary Releases of TensorFlow Model Deployments with Kubernetes and Istio” and am unable to even get in to the lab. I have already done two other QwikLabs external tools today with no issues, including jumping ahead to the next week’s JSON scanner tool lab. Each time I try to start the lab I press the green Start Lab button, the spinner starts up, and I get a reCaptcha that I complete successfully. The Start Labs button continues to spin, then eventually the reCaptcha times out and I have to re-validate it. I’ve tried three separate times now with no luck. Any idea what might be going on?

Hi Samuel! Welcome to Discourse! It seems this issue has been resolved. I tried getting into the lab and I was able to start it. Please try reopening from the classroom. If you still can’t get in, please use the Chat support feature so a Qwiklabs agent can take a closer look at your account.

Hope this helps and you get to finish the lab!

Thanks, yes, seems like it was cleared up later last night and I was able to finally start it.

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