C4W4_Data Visualization with DBT and Superset:: Issue when starting VSEndPoint


I am tring to work on Data Visualization with DBT and Superset, however whenever I am invoking VSEndpoint in which ever browser I try, I cannot access the site. If its in private mode it states that the site does not support https mode and if I go in normal node. it says cannot reach the site

Please can i get some help. Its on weekend when majority of work gets done. Any immediate help will be greatly appreciated

Hello @mameenuddin
Can you please try using a VPN or loading the URL in incognito mode?

hi @Amir_Zare
Thanks for your reply. I have tried all browsers and in-private as well in congnito. This is the first time i am facing such an access issue.

However I will try once more and let you know…

FYI - I completed Capstone Project Part-1, deleted Terraform and then submitted assignment…:slight_smile:

Hi @Amir_Zare

Thanks for your support. Its resolved.

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