September 9, 2022, 8:55am
I’m getting this error in rnn_cell_forward() function
I checked this thread too
Hello, Im stuck with the first assignment: Building_a_Recurrent_Neural_Network_Step_by_Step.
My problem is in:
def rnn_cell_forward(xt, a_prev, parameters)
I believe that I wrote down the formulas in a correct way, but running the cell continues to give me the
AssertionError: Problem 1 in yt_pred expression. Related to by?
I really dont understand the error because the biases ‘by’ are default.
What Im a missing/doing it wrong ?
I end up with the right values for ‘a_next’ and …
September 9, 2022, 3:25pm
In your rnn_cell_forward() function, did you modify the ‘by’ variable, or modify the ‘parameters’ variable?
September 9, 2022, 3:34pm
Also, that test in rnn_cell_forward_test() specifically checks if your code for computing yt_pred is correct for a specific set of Wya values. So look at your code for yt_pred closely. It doesn’t pass this specific test.