Can someone help me with my project?

Group of 5 students decided to do a project for college.
Project Idea: 3D/2D model that will interact with AI.

AI will take a data of sign language and English alphabet dataset.
It will convert what we will say into sign language and then model will show us that sign language.

Can someone tell me from where to start? What to do? How to do? and all.

I will really appreciate. Thank You.

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There is an assignment related to sign language in tf data and deployment course specialisation but to understand this you should have basic tensorflow developer professional specialisation understanding as well as tensorflow advanced technique where you understand like bounding box, image detection.


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This is a classification project and seems well suited to tensorflow. I would say start with a simple ‘dogs/cats’ project to develop your skill and code style and then move to the project. The 2D/3D part won’t matter because your training set will be in 2D. This will help make the training faster.

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Have you considered using Google speech to text service and emitting signs for text? (e.g. 1)