I didn’t get your question. Which course, week, and assignment/lab it is?
this is " Supervised Machine Learning: Regression and Classification" course. Week 3, optional Lab: Classification…
Okay. I tried and found the same thing. This is related to Colab and as the message says, “Support for third party widgets (widgets outside of the ipywidgets package) needs to be enabled separately. Support for these widgets will be loaded from a CDN external from Colab.”
The simple solution is to add this code before the cell where you see this weird message.
from google.colab import output
It worked, thank you very much!
Once you ownloaded the images to google drive, you can run some python code like this:
#Choose your desired working directory (full path)
import os
#to show your image:
from PIL import Image
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
#put all your images in a subdirectory called image
im = Image.open(“./image/your image.jpg”)
#to size the image as you choose
plt.figure(figsize=(10, 10))
plt.axis(‘off’) # Hide the axis
The image will not be in a markdown window, but you will see it.