DeepLearning.AI is dedicated to providing a safe and inclusive space for all of our learners in the global AI community. We do not tolerate harassment from learners of any form. DeepLearning.AI takes violations of our policy seriously and will respond appropriately.
All learners and users of our online or in-person community and events must abide by the following policy.
- Be Respectful; as a global community, we value each other’s opinions even when they differ from our own. Be respectful during all interactions online and in person.
- Be Kind; we are an intentionally positive community and ask that all people who join our community and engage with our content display kindness when communicating with each other and staff.
- If you see something, say something; Chances are community members will see an issue before staff does, and we should hold each other accountable. If you see something that violates any of our policies, please reach out to a staff person to handle it.
Participants asked to stop any harassing behavior are expected to comply immediately. Our zero-tolerance policy means that we will look into and review every allegation of violation of our community guidelines and respond appropriately. To report any behavior that makes you or others feel uncomfortable, please reach out to our community management team at Community@deeplearning.AI or file a report.
DeepLearning.AI reserves the right to refuse admittance to and/or the removal of any person from our community. This includes, but is not limited to, failing to comply with this policy and the terms and conditions herein.
DeepLearnig.AI staff and organizers may take any action they deem appropriate, including warning or expelling the offender from the community and/or events with no refund or blocking the offender’s account from participating online.
We have a ZERO TOLERANCE for online and in-person harassment of any kind, including but not limited to:
Deliberate intimidation
Harassing photography or recording
Sustained disruption of talks and events
Offensive language both verbal and written.
Verbal language that reinforces social structures of domination
Sexual imagery and language in public spaces
Inappropriate physical contact
Unwelcome sexual or physical attention
Physical or cyber threats
In relation to, but not limited to:
National origin
Gender identity
Gender expression
Sexual orientation
Body size and shape
Military status
Social demographic
Why is this policy important?
Harassment in online communities and at events, virtual or in person, is unfortunately common. Creating an official policy aims to improve this by making it clear that harassment of anyone for any reason is not acceptable within our community and events. This policy may prevent harassment by clearly defining expectations for behavior, aims to provide reassurance, and encourages people who have had bad experiences with other communities or events to participate in this one.