Consequences of violating the Code of Conduct and Forum Policies

Our policies are put in place to maintain a safe and respectful learning environment for all. All reports made to DeepLearning.AI will be taken seriously. Those who don’t follow the Code of Conduct in good faith may face repercussions deemed appropriate by our team. We reserve the right to suspend any account associated with the offense until a full review is conducted. Repeat offenses will result in immediate removal from the community.

This is how we handle violations and misconduct:

  1. Reach out: We will send the user a direct message if he understands that the person is violating the code of conduct and guide the user to the Code of conduct which is being violated.

  2. Initial Warning: For most first-time misconduct, our team will remove offending content and send a warning. Most issues are resolved at this stage.

  3. Silence User: For misconduct or behavior containing abusive language or criticism that could negatively impact the forum environment. For instance, spamming the forum with the same topic or in multiple categories or within the same category.
    Our team will remove all such posts and silence the user for 2 weeks.

  4. Suspend User: For repetitive unacceptable behavior, our team will suspend the user’s account. Users found to instigate groupism , regionalism or divert members of the community to other external forums for personal benefit may be suspended.

  5. Expel User: Our team will expel learners who display a pattern of destructive behavior toward other community members. This may be due to repeated violations of relatively minor offenses, such as spamming or making fun of another learner. Or, it may be due to major offenses, such as plagiarism. Learners who have been expelled will have all their posts deleted or anonymized (depending on the post). Additionally, they will be removed from any DeepLearning.AI courses and have their certificates revoked.

See our Zero Tolerance Policy for additional details.