Hi all,
I have submitted the notebook with all test passed but 5.1 (which should be ungraded, where I got the error: AssertionError: Wrong values for dA although I think everything is correct). However after submitting the notebook I got 50/100!! how that can be possible if I have passed all test but the ungraded!
Please, can anyone help or clarify what is happening?
A couple of general observations. First, it should not be considered sufficient in any of these classes to pass the local tests. The autograder will detect things that the local tests do not. For example, hard coding or using global variables instead of dynamic function parameters. Local tests generally identify egregious problems, but don’t cover all cases. Second, you can help the community help you by including in your post information about which functions did not receive points as well as any feedback that might have been returned by the grader. In the absence of this information the problem space is too large.
Hi!, thank you very much for the reply. I managed to pass the test after reading some posts with related issues. I thought that passing test (without any hard-coding or similar trick) was enough, but it seems it is not and I should inspect and check all outputs match completely.
How could I know were I failed? Test says 75/100 but I would like to know where I failed and why so I can learn from mistakes
Glad to hear that you found the problems. Sorry, but the unit tests here miss several really critical things like the stride. Also it is apparently some limitation of the grader platform that on this exercise they can’t tell you which functions are at fault. We’ve complained multiple times about this to the course staff, but apparently it’s not so easy to fix. Sorry!
The bugs in the unit tests should be fixable, but they have not been fixed as yet. The bugs are filed …
Looks like some fellow learners got either 50/100 or 75/100 and were able to resolve it. See for example similar threads returned by: