Course 4, Week 1, Residual Network assignment , Identity block

I don’t know what is wrong with the code. I checked it several times, yet it gives me the same error.

Here are the results I get for that test cell:

With training=False

[[[  0.        0.        0.        0.     ]
  [  0.        0.        0.        0.     ]]

 [[192.71234 192.71234 192.71234  96.85617]
  [ 96.85617  96.85617  96.85617  48.92808]]

 [[578.1371  578.1371  578.1371  290.5685 ]
  [290.5685  290.5685  290.5685  146.78426]]]

With training=True

[[[0.      0.      0.      0.     ]
  [0.      0.      0.      0.     ]]

 [[0.40739 0.40739 0.40739 0.40739]
  [0.40739 0.40739 0.40739 0.40739]]

 [[4.99991 4.99991 4.99991 3.25948]
  [3.25948 3.25948 3.25948 2.40739]]]

So you can see that the training = False values agree with yours, but they don’t in the True case. So that should be a pretty good clue where to look.

The only place that the training variable has any effect is the BatchNorm calls. They give you one example in the template code:

X = BatchNormalization(axis = 3)(X, training = training) # Default axis

Your calls to BatchNorm should look the same as that example. Do they?

The test passed . But I dont see the reason why training=false or true should be the case for every batch normalisation statement. Isnt one enough?

Apparently not. Each instance of batch normalization is independent. The coefficients are specific to that instance.