Course notes should have corrections too


Thanks a lot of the course notes posted with each class. They are a big help to review and revise concepts.

I did have one minor feedback on these – during the lecture there are some sections which say something like ‘at x:y in the video k should have been j’ etc. – these are usually minor corrections on what was said in a prior video.

I think it would be a good thing to include these corrections in the course notes or maybe update the course notes to reflect the ‘corrected’ version of things. So when one goes back to refer to them, they are accurate.

I don’t think this is done right now, sorry if I missed it.


Hey @Nidhi_Sachdev,
I have reported this to the DLS team, and they will look into it. Thanks a lot for your feedback.


Hey @Nidhi_Sachdev,
Please refer to the note in this thread. However, if you want to use the notes provided in the DLS, you can easily edit them using any PDF editing tool. I hope this helps.
