Coursera Support

I have to download videos and play it. However Course Era is not marking it as Complete. Chatting with Course Era Bot is like any bot. I am unable to reach to any Human Support in CourseEra.

The reason I have to download is because the video sound garbled. I am on high speed net and YouTube and others play well. Per Bot’s suggestion, I have cleared cache, cookies from my browser and tried Chrome also.


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Hey Venkat there may be some technical issues we’ll sorry look into it but still there isn’t any problem if it’s not marking as completed all you need for a certificate is to complete your labs and quizzes.
Sorry for the inconvenience caused

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I’m not aware of any issues with video playback at this time.

To have a video marked as Complete, you need to watch it through to the end, then click the “Next” button.

Thanks Riya and TMosh. I am accessing from India.
Even I am surprised why this video staggers.

There is no problem in accessing from India as well, please try to change your browser and delete all site blocking apps, this maybe a trouble for your system.

Did you try once playing video from different computer? Did you encounter similar issue?

Hi Riya, Deepti
I am on my Mac and tried Safari, Edge and Chrome.
I play YouTube , Netflix on the same laptop and face no issues.

I have cleaned up cache, cookies, restarted , yet the video has buffering.
So I have to download video and watch. Is there anyway to mark those videos complete?

Hello @Venkat_Subramani

Can I know if you see the video till the end of timestamp or fast track it in between and then watch?

This happens at Starting time. I do not press any controls
The audio starts buffering and cracking within 2 seconds
After few mins, I go to download and watch it.

Did you raise this concern on the Coursera Learner Centre?

When I had a similar issue with one of the course videos, I had logged off and logged in Coursera, and cleared by cache and browsing history to resolve this issue. It eventually worked fine.

This sounds like an internet provider issue, they may be throttling the video content.

Hi Deepti,
I tried contacting Help Desk of Course Era.
THey have removed their email support, they do no respond at all.
Their Bot is …, its a Bot! :slightly_smiling_face:

I cleaned up the Browser Cache, Delete History, Downloaded Edge Browser and tried, to no avail.

BTW Here is the video snippet of playing CourseEra and two other videos:
You can see other two videos sound has no stutter.

Pls let me know a human support contact with Course Era, if anyone has it.

Hi TMosh
Yes, thats what my initial suspect was. Its still possible.

Apart from clearing Browser Cache, and trying with newly downloaded Edge, at the same time I tried watching videos on FaceBook , YouTube and I have subscribed to other online course from other Universities ( non Course Era) .
They all work fine!.

Its possible something from my path to CourseEra’s cloud’s CloudFront maybe having issue. Not sure where to look.

BTW Here is the video snippet of playing CourseEra and two other videos:
You can see other two videos sound has no stutter.

Thank You

I don’t need to see evidence, I trust your reports.

I don’t have any other suggestions for fixing this. It’s Coursera’s platform, and we don’t have any influence or contacts there. And their Help Center will just recommend you to clear your cache and cookies, or try a different browser, which you’ve already done.

I also solved my problem! I just cleared the cookies and cache and it worked! At first I couldn’t watch the video at all!

I found a neat workaround.

I change from 720p to 480p and back to 720p and the audio corrects itself. So far it has worked for three videos.

I want to thank TMosh,Deepti,Riya et al for helping.

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That’s an interesting and puzzling solution. Sounds like a codec problem in your video player.