I am confused how my cost result different from expected output and gives me All tests passed !
Which lab are you running (what is the name of the notebook file?)
Because when I look at the “C1_W3_Logistic_Regression” practice lab, I don’t see the text you quoted.
I see “Cost at test w,b”, but yours says “Cost at test w and b”.
So there’s something different about your lab than the one I’m looking at.
Can you post an image that gives a larger context? Please include the entire cell that is above the test result.
Note: I might be looking at an older version of the notebook file. I’ll check on that.
I think this is the test you’re running.
Note that the Expected Output value (0.218) is for the test conditions in the cell, with X_train and y_train defined earlier in the notebook, and those specific w and b values.
Those are different conditions than the tests that compute_cost_test() runs.
This suggests that your code works correctly for the tests in compute_cost_test(). but it doesn’t work correctly for the values given in the notebook.
yeah I passed that test very well but was confused about that maybe the equation had issues, Thank you so much