Hi, I am just trying to understand the code where you convert from non-vectorized to vectorized logistic regression and I just had a question:
How come in the non-vectorized loop, we calculate cost function J but not in the vectorized component?
Hi, I am just trying to understand the code where you convert from non-vectorized to vectorized logistic regression and I just had a question:
How come in the non-vectorized loop, we calculate cost function J but not in the vectorized component?
Hi @Jae_Yoo.
I am not sure in which assignment / video you had found that, perhaps we could be more focused if you share the source with us?
In any case, I would suggest you to think about it in two ways:
is that just for the purpose of demonstrating vectorization? if so, we could take J as an exercise and try to vectorize it ourselves.
even if we had calculated J vectorized-wise, if you look at the code further down, would it be actually used in anywhere? If it would not be used, then it explained.
Could you vectorize J?