Downloading lab files


Is it possible to download the files used for courses? For example, I have just completed the practice lab on CDC with Flink and Debezium, and would like to grab a copy of the Docker compose file so that I can continue my exploration on my local machine.


Best regards,

Hi @fuzziebrain,

Please check the file explorer section in the labs to see if you have access to download the files or not. This should help verify your access permissions.

Hope it helps!

Hello @fuzziebrain
As far as I know, all of the files used in the labs for these courses are available for download. In most cases, JupyterLab and Cloud9 are used, and in those cases you can simply select a file from the file explorer and download it. There are instructions available here.
However, the docker compose file you are referring to is a little different. It is available in an EC2 instance, that you can only connect to using the AWS console. In order to copy the content of this file, I suggest the following steps.

  1. Connect to the EC2 instance like it is describes in step 3.2.1 in Vocareum.
  2. Run nano /kafka_debezium/docker-compose-flink.yml to open the YAML file in nano text editor.
  3. Copy the content by selecting it using your mouse, right clicking, and selecting copy.
  4. Paste it in a local YAML file.
    You may have to copy the content in several chunks due to screen space limitation.

Thanks Alizera and Amir for your guidance. I am aware of these approaches. I was hoping that these files could be distributed in a single ZIP file, and made available on this forum as well. It would be great to have access to the files even after completing the course, so that I can keep my learned skills active.

If the bucket dlai-data-engineering could some how be made available, then students could do this:

aws s3 cp --recursive s3://dlai-data-engineering/labs/${LAB_IDENTIFIER}/ ./

Is there any update on this point to get the copy of setup for the local?