Hello mentor, I tried to download the results of Week 3’s ungraded lab as .ipynb and .html files. However, I noticed the visualization of TFMA is not kept in the downloaded file. For example, the following is one of the visualization in the lab.
After downloading as .ipynb, the result is shown as
Is there any way to keep these visualization after downloading ? Thanks.
hi @dsfasfuqwjoasjsad
here is what I found if you need to download notebooks with their output
Hello Mentor, thanks for your reply.
However, the link is on how to save the output of cells, while my question is the notebook is not saving the output of TFMA. Instead, the output saved is shown as:
I would like that the output be saved as the following after being downloaded.
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is it able to save other outputs? from the same notebook?
yes, all other outputs are saved after downloading.
Hi @dsfasfuqwjoasjsad
In R programming usually the visualisation graphs also gets downloaded with the code files. For python, I will have to dig in more if it is possible as I checked tfma document which mentions only the display path gets download. If I find something will let you know.
Here’s one way for you to explicitly save the widget state and use it.
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