Error: AssertionError

Even after writing the correct code i am facing an assertion error, (i have updated my lab notebook recently).

The assert says there is a problem in your check_for_leakage() function.

Maybe re-write it to use a traditional if-statement construct, instead of the inline version. This may make debugging easier.

Hi @shashank_shukla3,

As instructed to you in the DM, where I also showed you the differences between the labs taken from the internet and the lab we provide, you are still using the lab taken from the internet. These lab will always fail. I warned you before about this, as it against the code of conduct. Consider this the last warning.

Please go and follow the instruction on how to update your workspace, and make sure you delete this notebook before fetching the new one.


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Another thing I have noticed, you have changed the name of the assignment from C1_W1_Assignment to C1_W1_Assignment_v2.

NEVER change the default name of the assignment file, as it will cause you submission errors. Be sure to use the default name, which in this case is C1_W1_Assignment

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I have followed these instructions.

Hi @shashank_shukla3,

You renamed your previous file as C1_W1_ Assignment_v2, but now you should also have the latest file in your workspace with the name C1_W1_Assignment, from now on, start working in that file.


A renamed notebook can only be used as an archive of your previous work - you cannot submit a notebook with a modified file name.