Error in final lab C1_W3_Logistic_Regression (Week 3)

Please, check this problem! My grade calculate incorrect!

I see this errors in “Grades”:
“Code Cell UNQ_C1: Function ‘sigmoid’ is correct.
Code Cell UNQ_C2: Function ‘compute_cost’ is correct.
Code Cell UNQ_C3: Function ‘compute_gradient’ is correct.
Code Cell UNQ_C4: Unexpected error (TypeError(”‘NoneType’ object is not callable")) occurred during function check. We expected function predict to return predict test 1 failed. Please check that this function is defined properly.
Code Cell UNQ_C5: Unexpected error (TypeError(“‘NoneType’ object is not callable”)) occurred during function check. We expected function compute_cost_reg to return compute_cost_reg test 1 failed. Please check that this function is defined properly.
Code Cell UNQ_C6: Unexpected error (TypeError(“‘NoneType’ object is not callable”)) occurred during function check. We expected function compute_gradient_reg to return compute_gradient_reg test 1 failed. Please check that this function is defined properly.
If you see many functions being marked as incorrect, try to trace back your steps & identify if there is an incorrect function that is being used in other steps.
This dependency may be the cause of the errors."

I think that “UNQ_C4” cell has error. I can’t to edit this cell.

The UNQ_C4 cell is a “graded cell”. It means you have to edit the code in that cell in order to complete the function. The cell name is found in a comment in the first couple of lines of that cell.

The feedback from the grader says that your code in the UNQ_C3 does not give the correct results for the tests that the grader uses.

The grader always uses different test cases than then ones in the notebook.

TMosh, thanks!
But the cell has become uneditable, I can’t add or remove anything to it, and I can’t delete it. I can create a new cell and insert a label “UNQ_C4” into it with a title (which counts towards the score), but that still isn’t enough as long as the old cell remains unlabeled.

I rebooted the kernel, cleared the cache, as if nothing helped. I don’t know what to do. Because of this problem, I cannot receive my certificate and will soon lose access to the course because I will not renew it due to this error. Please advise who to contact if there is an error on the platform itself.

support says they are helpless

Coursera support has nothing to do with the course content.

I recommend you delete your current notebook, and get a new copy and start over.

To do this, use the “FIle->Open” menu and delete your current ipynb file.
Then use the Lab Help (it looks like a question mark), and use the “Get latest version” tool.

This will give you a new copy of the notebook.


Thanks a lot !!! Certificate done))

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