Hi @Mubsi ,
Lab id: jfxmpusrcheo
Can anyone please help me with exercises 4 and 5? I tried many times but did not get the solution. I will appreciate your help and support.
Hi @Mubsi ,
Lab id: jfxmpusrcheo
Can anyone please help me with exercises 4 and 5? I tried many times but did not get the solution. I will appreciate your help and support.
Hey @Mahnoor_Shafiq,
Can you please share your error stack, or in other words, the error that you are getting, in exercises 4 and 5?
Wrong output values for gradient of b1 vector.
Expected: [[0.56665732]
[0. ]
[0. ]
[0.19341 ]
[0. ]
[0. ]
Got: [[0.]
Wrong output values for gradient of b2 vector.
Expected: [[ 0.09488382]
[ 0.04061033]
[ 0.11081115]
[ 0.06029008]
[ 0.15000559]
[ 0.12740163]
[ 0.14957542]
[ 0.1007054 ]
[ 0.09216876]]
Got: [[ 0.70541249]
[ 0.30191695]
[ 0.82382401]
[ 0.44822579]
[ 1.11521454]
[ 0.94716571]
[ 1.11201645]
[ 0.74869294]
[ 0.68522741]].
Wrong output values for gradient of b1 vector.
Expected: [[0.01864644]
[0. ]
[0. ]
[0. ]
[0. ]
[0. ]]
Got: [[0.]
Wrong output values for gradient of b2 vector.
Expected: [[ 0.22636192]
[ 0.12268763]
[ 0.06530444]
[ 0.17617448]]
Got: [[ 1.30236687]
[ 0.70587979]
[ 0.37572724]
[ 1.01361486]].
12 Tests passed
4 Tests failed
After some changes now I am getting this error.
Can you please help me with this?
Hey @Mahnoor_Shafiq,
Did you cross-check your equations with the ones given in the lecture video? Let me give you some starting hints. For computing grad_b1
, as per the equations given, we don’t need W_1, still in your code, I can see that you have used it. Similarly, for computing grad_b2
, I can see that you have used H^T, still it’s not used in the equations given. Re-check your equations once using the ones given in this lecture video as a reference. Let us know if this helps.
Hope you are doing well. Sorry for the late response. Thank you for your help I checked the lecture and I was able to solve the issue. Thank you for your help again.
Hi @Elemento
I’m also stuck on this issue.
Could you please advise me on what the ‘step’ function implies here:
Also, the formula for gradient of b2 is missing in the slide in the latest version of the video.
I could not find it in the lecture notes as well.