'genai.vector.encode' error

is this not in langchain community or neo4j python libraries? If not then where. I’ve installed all the proper libraries and everything has been working perfectly until this point. I know it’s not my openai key as that is fine and everything is setup correctly in my .env. Any help appreciated

I am not sure of what going on in this course, but sometimes is better to use a python venv environment rather than just straight ahead into Jupyter of your machine. Check out in google python venv!

Yes, I never use the Jupiter notebook from the course. Since my goal is always to use these courses for either personal or professional projects, for me it is a better use of my time to do all the coding locally.

I always set up python venv on my local machine. In fact I have a script I wrote that creates my Python projects with a venv, upgrades pip and properly installs commonly used dependencies.

The issue actually had nothing to do with python dependencies.

I actually solved the problem for myself and maybe for anyone else who’s interested. The function that wasn’t running is only accessible if you install a neo4j plug-in: neo4j-genai-plugin-5.23.0.jar into the neo4j plug-ins folder and restart neo4j. Then rerun the code and it will work.

As I said in the survey regarding this course, I really do appreciate the fact that it’s free and it was helpful getting up and running with neo4j and RAG but my constructive criticism would be to be a little bit more explicit regarding some of the set up, like for example, letting newer Neo4j users know about having to install the genai-plug in mentioned above. Seems like a simple enough thing to include, but can save hours of frustration and time. Hope this helps you and others.

If you consider the number of browsers, platforms, and operating systems, it’s not feasible to provide support for them all.

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No disrespect nor lack of appreciation and I appreciate that we should be grateful that this is being offered for free. Totally get it and think its great and love all the work Andrew Ng does and Deeplearningai in general and this community is awesome and responsive. Always have been a big fan. I was just trying to provide a little constructive feedback that can make the offering even better. I’m not sure that characterizing what I was suggesting as support is entirely accurate. Please do correct me if I’m wrong but the neo4j-genai-plugin needs to added to the DBMS regardless of the browser, platform or OS in order to run the vector encoding function. I was just thinking maybe a sentence :slight_smile: Something like “make sure you have the genai plug-in installed or this won’t work” That’s all. Sorry if I came off as too complainy Thanks!

No problem. Thanks for the suggestion.