Google Colab notebook taking too long to train

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    In the first graded lab for week 1, my google colab notebook is taking a very long time to train the model. I had to select “Run without GPU” otherwise I have to access a paid version. Is there any other solution? Thanks!

Are you trying to run this notebook outside the scape of the course ?

I mean in ‘regular’ Colab I know we have that option, but in the class I don’t think we even get a choice…

It’s outside the scope of coursera. For previous course’s assignments, they were all through Jupyter notebook. For this one, we had to download the colab after we were done.

This is an image of what I’m seeing. It’s taking waaaaay too long.

If you want a lot of computing power on Colab, you have to pay for it.

I see. Thanks! That makes sense. Out of curiosity, I just let the assignment run, and it ended up taking 2.5 hours. I’ll consider the paid version for future assignments :slight_smile: