Grader timed out in C2_W1_Assignment

I get a timeout for exercise 4 on " Optimizing Functions of One Variable: Cost Minimization"

The unit test did not fail so I am rather stuck

Have you tried submitting more than once?

One thing to try is to first clear your output like this:

Kernel -> Restart and Clear Output
Submit to grader

Please try that and let us know if it helps or not. The point is that the grader does not need to see your generated output and extra text may slow things down.

Thanks for the quick response! I will try your suggestion

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I had some slow code in f_of_omega. Fixed now and problem solved!

I had some slow code in f_of_omega. Fixed now and problem solved!

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That’s great news! Thanks for confirming. Onward! :nerd_face:

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