Hello everyone, Hello everyone,
I hope you’re all doing great! I’ve been working on an academic project for UX design, and as part of it, I had to create a new feature for any website. I thought DeepLearning.AI was a great place to apply my skills and knowledge.
I started by focusing on a common problem in the community:
“Where should I start? Is there any roadmap for learning AI?”
This is a question I’ve seen many people post here on the forum. So, I did some research and analyzed different opinions on the topic. Now, I’ve created a prototype in Figma (using the same design style as DeepLearning.AI) for a new feature where users can explore possible roadmaps for different AI fields, like Machine Learning, NLP, and Computer Vision.
Here’s the link to the prototype: https://www.figma.com/proto/patEqKNdBQIg3Sdq77y42e/DeepLearning-Redesign-Path?node-id=1-4&starting-point-node-id=1%3A4&t=BEDJxPl6oFLaKPST-1
Maybe you’ve seen my posts about this project before, but I haven’t received enough feedback yet. I can’t finish the project without your help!
Just to clarify: this post isn’t meant to promote or publish anything. My goal is to improve my UX skills and help others in the community who might need a guide for their AI career. I hope this makes sense.
Finally, I’d really appreciate it if you could give me some feedback and let me know:
- What do you think about this idea?
- Would you like to see a feature like this in the future?
- How does the design look to you?
- Do you feel the information is clear and accessible, or did you find anything confusing?
Thanks so much for your time and support! I hope this project helps many people and inspires you in your own career too.