Having problem submitting my assignment-Week3 Assignment

Hello there, I have problem submitting my last assignment in course 1. when I submit my assignment it gives me an error like this:

Cell #14. Can't compile the student's code. Error: IndentationError('unexpected indent', ('/tmp/student_solution_cells/cell_14.py', 16, 1, ' <details>\n'))

what should I do?

Hi @Arezoo_Ariyaei
Welcome to the community!

Please check the cell you have error in and check which line that you have an error and remove extra indentation(= spaces) that by run all the cell before submitting

Best Regards,

How to begin and submit assignment ?
Can you please provide step by step guide to submit assignment. ?
Where to write code & submit it !


@Rakesh_Kumar_Dash, you have a different question, please start your own new thread.

The error message says you have an indentation mistake in the 14th cell in your notebook. Check there.

Any indentation errors should probably have also caused your code to fail one of the in-notebook unit tests. Please check your notebook test results carefully.