I’m a newbie… so please don’t laugh of my silly question. My goal is to copy the Jupyter notebook of a lesson to my github to use as a playground. I have some experience with googleColab… so I downloaded the Jupyter lesson… uploaded at the googlecolab and publish at by github. The idea is to use the “Edit at the colab” link which is placed at the beggining of the file at github. This is… done, but…
The problem is sometimes some commans dont work exactly the same, for example, #plt.style.use(‘./deeplearning.mplstyle’) because there url does not exist at the colab.
Please, could someone give me some advice the best thing to do? Install Phyton + Jupyter in my notebook to mimic the same lesson enviroment? Abandon GoopgleColab to Jupyter instead?
Sharing any assignment codes related to Deep learning.ai on your GitHub or other platform is against community guidelines. please refer faq section to follow Code of Conduct details.
i wouldn’t advise this, rather use both environment depending on your codes requirement as sometime your CPU isn’t enough to run codes/model one would like to create. So get used to both.
Installing python and jupyter into your notebook? it should be the other way around. you use python as a terminal and jupyter as an environment to run the assignment codes locally.
Hello, don’t worry we all get to start at someday, and today is that day for you!
If you want to use colab make sure that you download all the lab files (shown in SS). Make sure that you upload all the files on colab’s project drive.
I recommend that you spend some time following a tutorial on how to install anaconda and jupyter as it will save you a ton of time later on.
a) Deleted the Github repository.
b) Use phyton locally as the main place to code
c) Install Anaconda and Phyton (locally)
d) Use Jupyter, locally and Jupyter in the cloud for anything above my super i5+8Gb of ram.