Hi, I recently completed the Deep Learning Specialization offered at Coursera. Is there a way to download all the coding assignments in a single zip or tar file for my further experimentation and learning?
No, sorry, there is no way to download all the assignments in one shot, but there is a pretty easy method to download each one of them individually. Please see this thread for the instructions.
The other important thing to note is that the assignments are behind the paywall, even if you’ve completed them. Please be sure to complete any downloading that you want to do before you stop paying your subscription fee.
Thanks! Some way is better than no way.
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Ok, I was able to download all the programming assignments data. It look almost 2-3 hours but was worth it.
These assignments are so well curated that a learner can directly dive into the hear of the problem. So, cannot appreciate enough being able to get access to it.
Thanks a ton again!