How to install and setup an environment on Windows 10 - 11 for machine learning AI properly?

Hello Dear friends,
Can someone please show us how to install software like Anaconda, Pycharm, etc. on my Windows PC? Below is general information about my PC. I would like to know if it’s possible to compute programs like Tensorflow, Keras, etc. on my machine without any errors.

I’m not ready to give up so easily without putting my best effort into building my own personal programs for my PC.

It may take some trials but it should not be too hard. Just start with miniconda and set up an environment for you work. Then select your IDE, I personally use VSCode but you can use whatever works for you. Check for how to create environments and you can then create an environment for what you are working on.
Try it out and report any error you encounter.

Good evening Mr. Luk,

I’ve installed Minconda as well, but I still find it too difficult to install the different packages or create an environment on Miniconda. The prompt gives an error, as Anaconda did. It can give me the version of my Python and conda, but can’t create an environment which is so wired and lamenting. If I can’t create an environment which packages can it install which is the problem at hand now? :face_exhaling: :cry:

Do you have any guide that I can follow step by step?

Try this for creating conda environment:

Also, you have to use the command line for the commands. So, in windows, it can be the command prompt.

The issue isn’t with installing Conda.

The request is for a cookbook process for creating an entire programming environment, including the packages and tools required to run DLAI’s course notebooks.

I don’t think a cookbook method exists or is possible, because there is very little commonality between courses. This is a very complicated task with many variants depending on your computer, operating system, preferred tools, and what sort of tasks you want to conduct.

For example, a local installation is not going to work at all if you need to manage massive datasets, use GPU arrays to speed up the processing, or any other of a myriad of issues.

I don’t think the OP’s request can be satisfied. It’s sad but true.

I can tell you that since my transition into AI, I’ve never been able to run my own programs and am like a science student without a lab to carry out experiments!

Please if you can provide me various steps by which I can run my personal project without any issues I will be grateful indeed.

How difficult it’s