Not able to install OpenAI Python Library

I am not able to install the OpenAI Python library (which was mentioned in this course under ‘Guidelines’). If someone has done that, then pls help.

I’m using vs code and virtual environments. I didn’t succeed in my setup till i use extension ‘Pip Manager’. It installs openAI in the. right place within virtual environment and just works)

Hope it would help)

On Google when i searched pip.install.openai, on this page it is showing -

Someone once pls tell do we have to run this in windows powershell to install openai python library ? I am new here. I have windows 10 and Python 3.11

or, do we have to do like this by first creating virtual environments, but for creating ‘virtual environments’, what we have to run ?

(virtualenv is for python 3.11 ?)

Someone please help. It will be highly appreciable.

Here is an Article

This is a old post might help Post

Hi Bhavika, sorry to hear you’re running into some issues. My personal recommendation is to install anaconda, which comes preconfigured with a variety of libraries and environments for machine learning applications. You can find the download here: Anaconda | The World’s Most Popular Data Science Platform

Once you install it, you will still need to install openai, but that can be done by:

  1. starting anaconda
  2. opening an anaconda powershell from the GUI
  3. running conda install -c anaconda openai

Hope this helps!

it’s that simple as pip install openai. and if it’s not working for you and not able to track the error, it seems like you are an beginner. so here is the trick for you just copy the error it giving in terminal or somewhere else and by explaining the situation to the chatgpt just pest this error. it will probably suggest some way by understanding your situation.

Okay thank you