I got Zero grades in 2nd week assignment while my answer is correct.

Please see this link to learn about grader metadata.
If grader metadata is missing, refresh your workspace and try again.
See Refresh your Lab Workspace section here
If you’ve already done this, contact coursera help

Should you be unsure if this is a metadata issue or your solution is wrong, click my name and message your notebook as an attachment.

This is my week 2 assignment. Please go through this and tell me what’s the problem behind zero grades.


[code removed - moderator]

What did coursera help tell you?

My problem not resolved.

Please get in touch with coursera to resolve your lab setup since grader metadata is missing from your notebook. Coursera controls lab infrastructure.

Please see this link to learn about grader metadata.
If grader metadata is missing, refresh your workspace and try again.
See Refresh your Lab Workspace section here
If you’ve already done this, contact coursera help