Is it okay if I upload the lab code to GitHub?

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  • Description (include relevant info but please do not post solution code or your entire notebook): Hello, I am a front-end developer taking LLM courses in Korea.
    I am a front-end developer who is very interested in LLM and would like to change my job to LLM engineer.

Is it okay if I upload the lab to my GitHub? Or blog?
I plan to write an explanation of this code on my blog, and I would like to upload the lab results to GitHub.

I will never use these commercially. I swear!

Hello @Goomin

You probably need to go through this :point_down:


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Sorry, I’m Korean so it’s very difficult for me to understand English. Also, the translation is not very accurate. Could you please explain?

You cannot share any of the lab assignment codes on any public platform, not even on Github, it is against community guidelines.

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Oooh, I get it. Thanks :blush:

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To complement on this, as the other Mentor explained, you cannot upload the lab assignment codes to any public platform such as blogs or Github.

However, if you want to share a work portfolio (in a blog or Github), you can create your own projects based on the techniques that you learn in the course (for example, building a new notebook that performs some GenAI task you find interesting with open-source data), and cite that you acquired the information from the DeepLearningAi course, so that people who’re interested in learning more can join the course and get access to the materials.

Oooh, I understand! Thanks <3

i have a couple of questions about this if you may, am i allowed to share my work but using the code from the course(for example: making a small linear regression model using the code i learned from the lab and adding it to github) also if that is permissible, should i cite the work back to Machine Learning Specialization (which is where i learned the code from?)

Also if this isn’t permissible, when i work i can use the code i learned from the labs, and usually people might review it in work, and ask about it. in this case is that acceptable or i can’t use it at work as well?

i hope you can clarify this because i would like to comply to the code of conduct and at the same time understand what are my options, because if i can’t use the code i learned in my work then what is the point of the code in the first place (this isn’t criticizing the rules, i am just highlighting the issue)

@Community-Team, I believe this question is for you.

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hi @Kashef

As far as I understand it is more about learner using codes from deep is not allowed.

You learning something here and then endorsing that that you learned from dlai should not be issue, it is only about using dlai codes.

@Community-Team he will confirm what I am trying to state.


Thank you for replying, well let me state what i understood and please confirm if i understood as meant from your end.

So what you are saying is if i learn code from Deeplearning AI in my case from Machine Learning Specialization this code’s purpose is to understand how to put the theory we learned in code not to re-use it whether publicly on websites like github, or at work.
What i am allowed to do tho is to re-create the code based on my understanding and what i learned from the courses/Deeplearning AI.

Well if that’s the case i can understand if it’s not permissible to use code provided in the courses mentioned when we are doing for example logistic regression from scratch, but i find it hard to understand if i can’t use the same code when doing logistic regression but using sci-kit learn instead.
because when you are doing a logistic regression model from scratch you can re-create it on your own, but with sci-kit learn the process is pretty static, because the syntax used to get the same result is the same it doesn’t differ from a person to another unless they change their approach to the problem using different tools which should lead in return to a different result.

simple example it’s like teaching me to print Hello World you can type print(“Hello World”) and then telling me i can’t use the code you taught me which is (print(“Hello World”)) so how can i print Hello World now in this case!?

if what i mentioned isn’t clear please feel free to ask and i will do my best to further explain my issue, thank you for your time

You answered your query yourself by explaining the matter, some of the codes totally basic which ofcourse any learners can use, but as you know the assignment we do comes with metadata which is prepared or provided by dlai( This part of the codes are not allowed to be used by you as there are Authorization involved.

I would actually advise you to wait for confirmation from @Community-Team for what really you can use, or you can go to the FAQ SECTION, check code of conduct which explains this part.


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Great thank you, will be waiting for @Community-Team confirmation as well as per your advice.

Hello @Kashef Kashef ,

We are updating our Code of Conduct to help all learners collaborate and share. I will get back to you as soon as I have an updated Code of Conduct.

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thank you. And I haven’t uploaded the rap code anywhere so far. I haven’t even shared it.

Gio it is @Kashef who has doubt about using the codes @Community-Team

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Hello @Community-Team ,

Thank you for your reply and being keen to clarify the matter, that’s much appreciated!

i will be waiting if God wills.
thank you.


We’ve updated our Code of Conduct. Please take a moment to review it. Our commitment to transparency and learning through our courses remains strong.

If you have any questions about the Code of Conduct or anything related to our forums and courses, please don’t hesitate to reach out.