Issues to evaluate get country and get accuracy in the assignment Vector Spaces Model

I am trying to get my asignment evaluated but, despite it seems that it is correct (according to the notebook result), when I send the task I get the following message in “get country” and “get accuracy” exercices: “There was a problem grading your submission. Check stderr for more details.”

I reported twice and even contacted by email and chat to the support of Coursera but I did not get any help.

Please, could somebody help me? Thanks

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Hi @Judith_Aparicio

Please make sure the requirements at the top of the Assignment are met:

Important Note on Submission to the AutoGrader

Before submitting your assignment to the AutoGrader, please make sure you are not doing the following:

  1. You have not added any extra print statement(s) in the assignment.
  2. You have not added any extra code cell(s) in the assignment.
  3. You have not changed any of the function parameters.
  4. You are not using any global variables inside your graded exercises. Unless specifically instructed to do so, please refrain from it and use the local variables instead.
  5. You are not changing the assignment code where it is not required, like creating extra variables.

If you do any of the following, you will get something like, Grader not found (or similarly unexpected) error upon submitting your assignment.

The most common mistake is using global variable word_embeddings instead of the local embeddings variable that you should use.

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You should develop a facility with the search function. With that, you would find many people have traveled this path before you. For example

Let us know what you discover? And if this turns out to in fact be a solution to your question, marking it as such will help people using search in the future to focus on useful results. Cheers

I am getting same error

I have already found the solution. In the get_country function I was using word_embeddings variable instead of embeddings. Once I changed it, all the assignment has been graded.
Thanks to everybody that helped.


but embeddings is not a defined function. it didn’t work for me. any help?

It’s there as a function parameter,
def get_country(city1, country1, city2, embeddings, cosine_similarity=cosine_similarity):